Importance of Communication in the Workplace


For every aspect of our lives, communication is key. This is more so in our professional spaces where relationship building and teamwork are vital to achieving the goals of our organization and the professional goals we set for ourselves. Communication is how we connect to other people to form relationships that enable us to function effectively in our social and professional lives. 

Communication at the Workplace 

Communication is a process of sharing meanings between parties. When people communicate they share information and form meanings from these messages. Communication is done through verbal and nonverbal means by transferring knowledge or information from a sender to be interpreted by a receiver. In modern workspaces, communication is the difference between a productive business and one that is not. Research done by Pumble indicates that 86% of employees and executives cite inadequate collaboration and communication as the main causes of failures in the workplace. Communication then can be viewed as vital to the success of any organization. 

Benefits of Communication at the Workplace 

Data from Pumble and other studies indicate that effective communication has a positive effect on, professional growth, productivity, workplace engagement and job retention.

Effective communication at the workplace leads to an increase in professional growth. The ability to communicate effectively is the most important skill needed in most business and professional spaces. In a survey by MBA News Australia done on business leaders, communication was the front-runner and was tipped as the most important asset for prospective employees. This according to them is because communication skills, collaboration and problem-solving are some most difficult qualities to replicate with technology. Progression in professional spaces is also heavily dependent on effective communication. A study done by the Harvard Business Review indicates that communication is among the top five skills needed to upscale at work. Other in-demand communication-based skills include collaboration, relationship building and the ability to inspire and motivate others to work

In Productivity, Business Wire’s report indicates that employees who connect better with each other experience high levels of emotional health and an overall increase in productivity. Some of the actions that enable employees to connect better include frequent communication among employees and enhanced collaboration tools. Some of these tools include chat platforms, file-sharing tools, video conferences and happy hours. These tools build team chemistry and lead to increased productivity in the workplace and the professional lives of employees whilst keeping employees engaged.

Additionally, effective communication increases workplace engagement. Gallup’s 2022 Global Workplace report indicates that low engagement of employees alone costs the global market a total of 7.8 trillion dollars. An engaged employee feels a mental and emotional connection toward their work. Signs of an engaged employee include responsibility, passion, going the extra mile and an overall excellent attitude to work. Achieving this however is not easy. It is largely dependent on the determination of the organization to create a conducive workplace environment for its employees. A key way this can be achieved is to improve communication among employees and executives, focusing more on openness, honesty, collaboration and respect. Gallup’s 2016 study indicates that engaged employees and teams see a 21% increase in profitability, a 17% increase in productivity and a 10% increase in customer rating in comparison to disengaged employees. Ensuring that the organization has an engaged workforce is essential to the bottom line.

Lastly, effective communication increases job retention. A study by Robin Erickson of Northwestern University indicates that effective communication positively affects job retention. With the era of the Great Resignation still at hand, it is important to look into job retention strategies now more than ever. Forbes connects employee retention to employee engagement. Bit Blog recommends effective communication as a solution to losing employees who feel disengaged. An organization that creates a working environment where open dialogue is encouraged can attract talent and keep them. 


We live in a world where communication is important as the air we breathe. Effective communication separates productive teams from unproductive ones in professional spaces. This makes communication a vital aspect of any organization’s work culture. Management must be intentional about creating an open, safe and respectful communication culture to boost to engage employees and boost their morale. For employees, communication is necessary for professional improvement and the overall increase in satisfaction and productivity levels.