Brand image and reputation is greatly impacted by how it is presented in the media. An incompetent, inconsistent and ill-prepared performance will damage a company’s public image. Capacity building through proper training in media and communication can perfectly curate the desired image to the public. We also offer training in gender related issues, diversity and inclusion from seasoned specialists, a necessary component for any modern work environment.

Training Programmes

Effective Communication in the Work Place

Media Crisis Communication

Gender Sensitivity Training

Effective Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

Communication for Excellent Organisations: Leadership, Culture and Communication in Organisations

French for Specific Purposes

This programme is designed to enable participants communicate more effectively with others in the work place through increased awareness of communication styles and networking skills. The programme explores the importance of communication as a skill in the workplace and aims to increase participants understanding this. The programme covers areas such as verbal and nonverbal communication, written communication and using communication skills in challenging and diverse situations. By learning how to communicate more effectively in the work place, participants stop problems from escalating and make the workplace a more efficient and harmonious environment to be in.

This programme is designed to enable participants learn what constitutes a crisis and how to distinguish it from day-to-day issues. It will also teach participants how to prepare for crisis, how to assess vulnerability and deliver messages to the media in a time of crisis. This programme teaches why it is essential to prepare for a crisis before you know when or what the crisis will be. Media crisis communications needs a plan that covers every aspect of message development, rehearsal and media management.

This programme is designed to give participants a deeper understanding of specific issues related to gender sensitivity in the work place, as well as develop gender sensitivity systems and build sensitivity management. By the end of this programme, participants should be able to understand the role of gender in an organisation and in society, identify gender inequality and develop solutions towards balance of genders in work environments.

This programme is designed to equip participants with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to express themselves clearly, with confidence and power in a variety of speaking situations. Participants will be given the understanding of the requisites of a great speech and a phenomenal presentation. Participants will also learn tips for grooming, self-image and body language as well as content delivery techniques while keeping the audience in mind. Participants will be given real-time feedback on their overall presentations skills, taught how to recognise areas of personal development and given tips on using their own talents to build a unique selling feature for themselves.

Most organisations view themselves as sites for productive activities towards an intended purpose or outcome. This view focuses on measured results in relation to market performance. Yet communication is the key activity that leads to these outcomes but remains the most overlooked aspect of ‘organising’ and organisational strategy. Communication for Excellent Organisations is a course designed to refocus how organisations think about their processes of value-chain management and the oil in those processes. Excellent communication is what makes excellent organisations as it affects employees, corporate image, and reputation, both within and without, and directly impacts the results in market performance.

This training programme will provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the French language in the core competency of oral and written expression having in mind the four basic skills in language training - listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The focus is on real-life language use, the integration of French and Francophone culture and language, and the acquisition of listening and speaking skills. Participants are also taught to recognize basic structures and vocabulary in written and spoken materials, and thus be able to read and listen to articles, news items, short stories in French, and other literary forms. Participants are taught to understand, speak, read, and write basic expressions in French that are basic requirements for functioning in an immersive Francophone environment. The programme allows participants to acquire or perfect their skills in French within the framework of their professional activity or studies.

The training program will focus on two main areas:

  1. Interpersonal Communication: Engage in conversations, provide, and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. This objective is addressed through pair, small group, and whole-class activities whereby each class member can communicate ideas and opinions in spoken and written French.
  2. Presentational communication: Prepare and present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a variety of topics. This objective is met as students prepare and present informal debates and sketches or a more formal exposé in the foreign language to classmates and as they record portfolio entries both individually and with a group.

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